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展贸通会员 2025/09/28
最近参展: 2024宁波国际汽车零部件及售后市场展览会
展位号: H7-532
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北京德本马公司成立于2015年,位于中国首都北京,是一家专业从事汽车发动机链条传动系统零部件的公司,主要产品有正时链条、无级齿轮、链轮、正时挡板、链条张紧器、曲轴齿轮、正时修理套件(正时张紧器、惰轮、皮带、张紧器)、发电机皮带等。 主要商务车系列包括:韩系、德系、美系、日系及中国国产车型,批发零售面向全球,在中国有数十家合作加盟商,产品上万种! 公司秉承“质量第一、客户第一、服务第一”的经营理念,致力于打造汽车零配件销售平台和品种最齐全的汽车零配件。 高品质的产品,齐全的品种,完善的服务,是我们的目标; 专业、诚信、拼搏、进取是我们不断完善、创新、发展的永恒追求。 我们有最优质的产品,品种齐全,价格实惠,规模大 库存(千万级库存),交货快捷。 北京德本马汽车零部件有限公司全体员工欢迎您的咨询与合作!Beijing DeBenma Company was founded in 2015, located in Beijing, the capital of China, is a professional company engaged in automotive engine chain transmission system parts, the main products include timing chain, VT gear, sprocket, timing baffles, chain tensioner, crankshaft gear, timing repair kit (timing tensioner, idler wheel, belt, tensioner) and generator belt, etc. The main business car series includes: Korean, German, American, Japanese and Chinese domestic models, wholesale and retail for the world, there are dozens of cooperative franchisees in China, tens of thousands of products! Adhering to the business philosophy of "quality first, customer first, service first", the company is committed to creating a sales platform for vehicle parts and the most complete variety of auto parts. High quality products, complete varieties, perfect service, is our goal; Professionalism, integrity, hard work and progress are our eternal pursuit of continuous improvement, innovation and development. We have the best quality products, a complete range, affordable prices,large inventory (tens of millions of inventory), fast delivery. All staff of Beijing Debenma Auto Parts Co., Ltd. welcome your consultation and cooperation!
主营产品: 汽车部件与组件 ,发动机系统 ,制动系统
经营模式: 制造商
主要市场: 国内 ,亚洲 ,欧洲 ,北美洲 ,南美洲 ,非洲
公司地址: 香河县李新庄桥南300米汽配仓库院内