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展贸通会员 2025/09/28
最近参展: 2024宁波国际汽车零部件及售后市场展览会
展位号: H2-223
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博翔公司是一家近些年因汽车业飞速发展的需求而成立的民营型企业,公司成立于1993年,2003年正式更名为玉环博翔泵业有限公司 。 公司通过了IATF16949:2016国际质量体系认证,向广大客户提供全系列汽车发动机冷却水泵,目前已成为国内外备受青睐的水泵供应商之一。 公司位于东海之滨,风光秀丽,素有榴岛美誉的港口城市--浙江台州玉环。公司现有员工120多人,三条生产线,每日可完成9000台水泵的组装,为适应不断发展的市场需要,公司不断开发新品种,目前几乎涵盖了所有系列的水泵。市场已涵盖到欧洲、北美、南美、中东、非洲、东南亚国家和地区。 博翔人尽最大努力为客户提供最好的产品及服务,为客户创造更大的增值价值,最终实现双赢。我们坚信在博翔人的努力下,我们的生产效率会不断提高,确保交期及产品质量。 博翔的经营理念:优质品质 高效服务 不断创新 实现双赢 博翔的行动准则:融会贯通 快速行动 迎接挑战 敢于创新 博翔的发展战略:在巩固和优化本土市场的同时,不断聚合精英力量,整合行业资源,力争成为水泵行业首选供应商。 最后,热忱欢迎各汽车制造公司及国内外客户来公司考察洽谈,让我们“为客户品牌创造价值”,携手创造辉煌的明天!BOXIANG is a private enterprise set up in recent years because of the rapid development of automobile industry.Established in 1993 ,2003 officially renamed YUHUAN BOXIANG WATER PUMP CO.,LTD . Company passed IATF16949:2016 international quality system certification, full range of automotive engine cooling pumps for customers, at present has become one of the domestic and foreign favorite water pump suppliers. Company is located in the East China Sea, beautiful scenery, known as the reputation of the port city:Zhejiang- Taizhou-Yuhuan.The company has more than 120 employees, 4 production lines,daily assembly of 9000 water pumps.Adapting to evolving market needs, we continue to develop new varieties,almost all series of pumps are now covered. The market has covered Europe, North America, South America, Middle East, Africa, Southeast Asian countries and regions. BOXIANG’s people will do your best to provide customers with the best products and services , create greater value added for customers,the ultimate win-win situation .We believe that with the efforts of the BOXIANG’s people ,our productivity will continue to improve, ensure delivery time and product quality. BOXIANG’s business philosophy: high quality and efficient service innovation to achieve win-win. BOXIANG’s guidelines for action: take action 、 rise to the occasion、dare to innovate. BOXIANG’s development strategy :while consolidating and optimizing local markets,bringing together the elite,integration of industry resources,strive to become the first choice supplier of water pump industry. Final,warmly welcome all auto manufacturers and domestic and foreign customers to visit and discuss, Let’s “ Create value for customer brands”, hand in hand to create a brilliant tomorrow!
主营产品: 汽车部件与组件
经营模式: 制造商
主要市场: 国内 ,亚洲 ,欧洲 ,北美洲 ,南美洲 ,非洲
公司地址: 玉环海洋经济转型升级示范区