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展贸通会员 2025/09/28
最近参展: 2024宁波国际汽车零部件及售后市场展览会
展位号: H7-145
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浙江省瑞安市满诚汽车配件厂是一家以专业生产、销售轿车电器开关,各类水、燃油、机油、空气、温度传感器及燃油压力调节器为主导产品的生产厂家。地处浙江东南沿海。地理位置优越,交通方便、快捷。 企业自创办以来,即以高起点、严要求,TS16949国际质量体系标准,使产品质量向“零缺陷”目标迈进,满诚企业宗旨为坚持以人为本,以科技为先锋,以用户满意为目标的策略方针,现生产近1000多个品种,对每个产品从选材、加工工艺要求都参照原设计标准,使产品日臻完美,目前企业年生产主导产品传感器、开关类等100万套的生产规模。 随着全球经济一体化进程加快,满诚企业在开拓创新、努力进取的同时,真诚希望与国内外朋友携手合作,互惠互利,共同拓展市场,为汽车工业的发展共创时代精品。Ruian City, Zhejiang Province, Mancheng Auto Parts Factory is a manufacturer specializing in the production and sales of car electrical switches, various types of water, fuel, oil, air flow, temperature changes as the leading products. It is located on the southeast coast of Zhejiang. The geographical position is superior and the transportation is convenient and fast. Since its establishment, the company has adopted the IS0900l international quality system standard with high starting point and strict requirements, so that the product quality has entered the goal of "zero defect" . The purpose of Mancheng Enterprise is to adhere to the people-oriented, technology-oriented, and customer satisfaction as the goal. The strategic policy, now producing nearly 100 varieties, for each product from the selection of materials, processing requirements are based on the original design standards, so that the product is perfect day by day, the current annual production of leading products, sensors, switches and other 200,000 sets of production scale. With the acceleration of the global economy and the process of physicalization, Mancheng Enterprises sincerely hopes to cooperate with friends at home and abroad for mutual benefit and common development of the market, and create a better era for the development of the automobile industry.
主营产品: 汽车电气与电子
经营模式: 制造商
主要市场: 国内 ,亚洲 ,欧洲 ,北美洲 ,南美洲 ,非洲
公司地址: 瑞安马屿工业区