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The National electric vehicle battery and charging system industry measurement and testing center was settled in Shenzhen

Recently, the State Administration for Market Supervision and Administration officially approved the establishment of the "National Electric Vehicle battery and charging system Industrial Measurement and Testing Center" in Shenzhen. The environmental adaptability laboratory of the center can realize the test of energy consumption and driving range of electric vehicles, and complete the condition test of power batteries under different ambient temperatures.

Since the establishment of the National electric Vehicle Battery and charging System Industry Measurement and Test Center was approved in September 2018, it has carried out tests and evaluations such as the traceability of key parameters of power batteries and the consistency of batteries. Through in-depth research on measurement and test technology methods, it has taken the lead in realizing "remote metering" of electric vehicle charging piles and established a big data platform for charging pile measurement. Access to more than 120,000 charging piles, through the metering data to achieve an innovative change in the metering mode of charging piles.

Liu Tiedong, president of Shenzhen Metrology Quality Testing Institute: Focus on solving the pain points and difficulties of "undetectable, incomplete and inaccurate" in the industry, and give full play to the role of metrology foundation support and guarantee.

Shenzhen has gathered the backbone enterprises of electric vehicles and charging facilities such as BYD and Huawei, and has a good policy, industrial and measurement foundation. Up to now, Shenzhen has built 6 state-level measurement platforms, established 477 social public measurement standards, and built 1,794 enterprise highest measurement standards.

Zhang Wen, Deputy Director of the Metrology Department of the Shenzhen Market Supervision Bureau: The Shenzhen Market Supervision Bureau will take the center as a support, innovate smart supervision methods such as metrology data verification, take the lead in exploring and solving the problem of overcharge facility metrology rules in the country, and provide a full range of accurate metrology and testing services for upstream and downstream enterprises in the electric vehicle industry and the production, construction and operation of overcharge facilities.

Declaration: This article comes from the Guancha .If copyright issues are involved, please contact us to delete.

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