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Us pressure on Netherlands to stop exports to China, Foreign Ministry responds!

The United States pressured the Dutch ASML company to stop exporting lithography machines to China, and the Foreign Ministry said that the United States' bullying behavior seriously violated international trade rules.

At a press conference of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on January 2, a reporter asked that it was reported that the United States asked the Dutch company ASML to suspend the export of lithography machines to China before the relevant ban came into effect later this month. What is the Foreign Ministry's comment?

Dutch lithography machine manufacturer ASML logo. Photo Source: Foreign media

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said that China always opposes the United States to generalize the concept of national security and use various excuses to coerce other countries to engage in technological blockade against China. Semiconductor is a highly globalized industry. In the context of deep economic integration among countries, the US bullying behavior seriously violates international trade rules, seriously undermines the global semiconductor industry structure, and seriously impacts the security and stability of the international industrial chain and supply chain. It will certainly reap the consequences.

'We urge the Dutch side to uphold an objective and fair position and market principles, respect the spirit of contract, take concrete actions to safeguard the common interests of the two countries and their companies, safeguard the stability of the international industrial chain and supply chain, and maintain a free, open, fair and non-discriminatory international trade environment,' Mr. Wang said. China will closely follow relevant developments and resolutely safeguard its legitimate rights and interests.

The Netherlands blocked ASML from exporting semiconductors to China and revoked some licenses, the Foreign Ministry responded.

At the press conference of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on January 2, regarding the export of Dutch lithography machines to China, a reporter asked that the Netherlands revoked some licenses for the export of ASML to China. What is the comment of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs? What does this mean for Chinese chip companies?

In response, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said, "In fact, the two perspectives you asked in my answer have been covered.

We urge the Dutch side to uphold an objective and fair position and market principles, respect the spirit of contract, take concrete actions to safeguard the common interests of the two countries and their companies, and maintain the stability of the international industrial chain.

Declaration: This article comes from the Global Times.If copyright issues are involved, please contact us to delete.

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