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Tesla breaking out! Stopped taking orders!

Tesla has stopped accepting orders for the Cybertruck, the cheapest version of its electric pickup truck priced at $61,000, while the $100,000 version of the Cybertruck can be ordered immediately for delivery as early as this month, according to CCTV Finance, which cited a foreign media report on the U.S. electric-vehicle maker's website.

Industry analysts say the adjustment could indicate lower-than-expected demand for the Cybertruck.

The supply and demand for the Cybertruck has been closely watched by Tesla investors and consumers, as CEO Musk has invested significant resources into the development of the Cybertruck and plans to produce 200,000 of them annually, but with the higher-priced version of the Cybertruck having less range than initially predicted, a number of customers now prefer the cheaper version of the Cybertruck, which has a lower price than the original forecast. However, as the range of the higher-priced version of the Cybertruck has been lower than initially predicted, many customers now prefer the cheaper version of Cybertruck.

Previously, Musk said at the 2024 Tesla shareholders meeting that Tesla is currently shipping a record 1,300 Cybertrucks per week, and will build special versions for China and the European Union.

Declaration: This article comes from the first finance.If copyright issues are involved, please contact us to delete.

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